Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade 2010: The Floats! Part 4

The final chapter of this journey and I save the best for last: The FLOATS! These are the real hardcore Halloweenies and dog owners. Let's get to it!

Ha ha, dogs in wigs.

This dog actually howled on cue! It was so awesome!

I am not really sure what is going on here, but it looks like it took a lot of work. The dog is in a swing!


I wish poodles really were firemen...

This was so cool! I wonder if the kid pulling it made the tank.

Historically accurate float.

I hate Farmville. That's why I am posting this. Don't bring dogs into Farmville.

This one was crazy! They had like 10 people, and choreography to the song Monster Mash.

I think I screamed when I saw this. Garbage pugs!!!!!!!!!! ahasdkjsddiaskdjsadlskdal

Monday, December 20, 2010

Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade 2010: Bumbledogs, Hotdogs and Lobsterdogs Part 3

The three best dog costume ideas ever. EVER.

3 awesome examples of hotdogs (sort of, I think the one on the right is a taco...) ! Corgis, Doxies, and Basset Hounds obviously make the best hotdogs.

If there's anything I love more than dogs, it's things with bees on them. Naturally, Bumbledogs are a perfect hybridization of my interest.

More bumble dogs! Very popular this year, and I am not complaining.

One more hotdog (top 10 contest list: shih tzu with mom and pop condiments, hello!) and then the best lobsterdog of the day! How cute is the doxielob?

I want to get this framed. GET OUT OF HERE! Lobster dog, in a group, human baby lobster in a pot, plus bonus hotdoxie trailing behind. And they won "Best Group" in the Haute Dog contest.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade 2010: More Dogs Part 2

Without further ado, I present to you part 2 of 4 of my photos from the Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade!

Shark doxie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is so so epic! Double dragon, double husky! It doesn't get anymore badass.

Bumbledogs are my favorite! More on these in a later post ;-)


How elaborate and fancy!

This little lady pushed her own cart! Double points for tricks!

Ghostbusters?!? Now I have seen everything.

Frenchies! Frencheerleaders! Look at those little squoogey faces!

Followed by a ship's worth of English Bulldog pirates?!?!?! Pinch me, I am dreaming.

More tricks! This lady had the crowd roaring!

A herd of little champer gampers.

Saved the best for last.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade 2010: The Dogs Part I

First things first, Yes, I am posting Halloween photos in the middle of December. Okay, I know, and I haven't been posting much lately. So now that we have that out in the open, let us get to what we can consider my Christmas gift to you... DOGS IN COSTUME! Part one of a four part series of photos from the Haute Dog Howl'oween Parade from this past Halloween. It is an annual parade held in Long Beach, CA with a costume contest including dogs, children, and group categories.
I think it goes without saying that this was one of the best days of my life.

Let the parade begin...
The classic "chick magnet" costume is 1,000,000 times more awesome when it is on a dog!

Driving Miss Daisy!

Rawker dog! And he was a HUGE dog. Totally metal.

Hahaha, I love these human-body-on-front-paws costumes!

Ms. Pac-Man with dog grapes!!! I love the family costumes! At some point the grapes went on a run and had to get chased down by Pinky! Earned a top 10 spot in the contest.

Hmmm, some kind of gothic queen of hearts? Precious pup inside, whatever it is.

Yellow submarine doggy!!! Everybody is so into it!

Hello Kitty and Snow White ladies with their matching purse pups.

This was one of my favorites of the day! A whole family of lawn gnomes including two kids and a pup all in beards! Everybody looks awesome. I think they placed in the top 10 in the official contest.

So clever.

The Party Twins are here! So fabulous. Extra points for dogs in sunglasses.

Antoine Dogson.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: New Yorkie! New Yorkie!

Well, well, what do we have here? Looks like the friendliest little fella' that's ever walked. Spotted in Hollywood, the Yorkie guy pretty much asked me to take a picture. He looks so approachable and happy-go-lucky. This is definetly not your average yipey purse pup. And the dog-bed-head hair style? LOVE IT! A grown-out puppy cut with a well-groomed frame around the face-- that is what puppy poster-pups are made of. And again with those ears! I am a total sucker for dogs with a great set of ears. You can tell that he is a good listener as well as a good friend.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: Golden Age of the Retriever

I haven't posted a big dog in a while so let's make it count with a classic. Spotted this man's best friend in Sunset Junction. I am still figuring out all the big dog breeds, but I am almost certain this a Golden Retriever, and what a beaut! I feel like Golden Retrievers are a great all american dog, like the Collie. Perfect for families, but a great life-mate for a swinging bachelor or a couple that thinks babies are too small, and cry too much. This little lady above was attached at the hip to her owner, making sure that he was safe but still having fun hittin' the town. If only we could all have somebody like that! I spend way too much time getting hurt and not having fun. Like I always say: Dogs fix all problems.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: The Mists of Dogalon

Well look at this little trickster! Spotted in Silverlake, taking his owner for a walk in the LA heat. I think it is a Japanese Spitz, but it could also be some sort of mystical snow fox or ghost coyote. One of those three for sure though. Actually, I think all Spitz dogs look like magical coyotes/foxes/wolves. But can't you just see this guy appearing to you when you're lost in the woods? And he leads you to a trail or some forgotten treasure or towards the missing girl who you've been looking for since you started at the police academy? MAGIC DOG.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Like many Southern California residents, I am indifferent to the Chihuahua thanks to the overpopulation of the breed here. I read somewhere that they are not only the #1 breed in California, but also make up 30% of dogs in some shelters! These little fellas are EVERYWHERE and they start to lose their appeal after you see a hundred. But as I walked into my local 7-Eleven, this little dude caught my eye. Leashed up and waiting for his owner, this pint-sized pup gave the come-hither-(pet me)-look. I love the coloring and those over-sized ears. I think his stature is what makes him so cute; confident yet approachable. An ambassador Chihuahua, representing for his breed, giving speeches outside corner markets, and licking babies faces. Vote for Chihuahua 2012.

Monday, October 25, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: The Puggle World

PUGGLE IS THE BEST BREED NAME. That is just a fact. Say it: PUGGGLLEEEE. Probably the best portmanteau, which I am also a huge fan of. If I had a puggle I would probably name it Melissabeth or Richilliam. I haven't met a lot of Puggles, but I like what they got going on. I spotted this guy in Silverlake roaming around a street fair. I swear I saw him 6 times in 2 hours-- everywhere I went, he was there. He was super friendly and active. In a related note, have you google image search puggle puppies? The ones with really puggy faces make me want to carry one around in my purse everywhere I go and never let it out of my sight. Pugs are so ugly they're cute, but the Puggle is just straight up cute. Beagles are the all American Man's Best Friend of small dogs. So why not throw a little Pug Pizzaz into the mix? Hey, Puggle, I totally get you, and you're alright with me.

THIS JUST IN: My friend, Sean Hess, has confirmed that he not only friends with this Puggle, but that the dog's name is a portmanteau! JARETH THE PUGGLE. Ok, I haven't confirmed that the name is portmanteau, maybe it is an inside joke, but whatever, it COULD BE! JARETH, YOU'VE BEEN SPOTTED!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: Boutique Bichon Style

Ooo-la-la! This Bichon Frise est très fabulous! This pup is as classic as a Chanel handbag: always in style, and goes with any outfit. Spotted in Santa Monica, walking the boardwalk like a runway. I just love that grown out, but kempt, natural Bichon coat. I am all for puppy cuts on most non-shedding dogs, but the Bichons' fluffy mane is just too unique to deny. During a recent mini-marathon of Animal Planet's Dogs 101, I totally fell involve with these playful, super-posi dogs. If I were throwing a puppy party, this would be the A-list, Page Six, party animal that I would invite first.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Spotted getting her cardio on, Zooey the French Bulldog. You wouldn't expect to see a lot of companion dogs out on a grueling hike in Malibu, but on this particular day I saw 4 dogs, 3 of which were smaller champer-gamper types. I mean, if they want to keep their petite little figures, I guess they gotta put in the work too. Zooey was on her way up a steep incline, taking it in stride, and leaving her human behind. And look at that collar! If she is going to work out, she is going to look GOOD. Such a new-glamour-Hollywood dog. Kind of like the Jennifer Aniston of dogs. Have you seen J. Aniston's arms/legs? Almost as fit as Zooey's.