Monday, October 25, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: The Puggle World

PUGGLE IS THE BEST BREED NAME. That is just a fact. Say it: PUGGGLLEEEE. Probably the best portmanteau, which I am also a huge fan of. If I had a puggle I would probably name it Melissabeth or Richilliam. I haven't met a lot of Puggles, but I like what they got going on. I spotted this guy in Silverlake roaming around a street fair. I swear I saw him 6 times in 2 hours-- everywhere I went, he was there. He was super friendly and active. In a related note, have you google image search puggle puppies? The ones with really puggy faces make me want to carry one around in my purse everywhere I go and never let it out of my sight. Pugs are so ugly they're cute, but the Puggle is just straight up cute. Beagles are the all American Man's Best Friend of small dogs. So why not throw a little Pug Pizzaz into the mix? Hey, Puggle, I totally get you, and you're alright with me.

THIS JUST IN: My friend, Sean Hess, has confirmed that he not only friends with this Puggle, but that the dog's name is a portmanteau! JARETH THE PUGGLE. Ok, I haven't confirmed that the name is portmanteau, maybe it is an inside joke, but whatever, it COULD BE! JARETH, YOU'VE BEEN SPOTTED!

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