Tuesday, July 5, 2011

VIDEO: Happy 4th of July (One more time...)

Ugh! Sorry that video got taken down from youtube yesterday! I think it is still essential to getting through your work week, so I found a lower quality link of the same video. Enjoy!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DOGSPOTTING: Little Lamby Named Sammy

OHMYGOD!!!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!! LOOK AT THIS LITTLE POCKET SIZED WONDER!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHH. I couldn't give up on my blog just yet-- not when THIS is in the world, and nobody is taking pictures of it to post on a creepy dog blog. Spotted in the Larchmont Village, Sammy, an itty-bitty, pure black mini-poodle. Quite possibly the cutest dog I have ever spotted, he stopped me in my tracks while out to lunch with a friend. He was shy, but friendly enough to pose for a picture. In my hiatus, I have still been dogspotting, squealing, and obsessing. I wanted to get back into the dog blogging game, but just couldn't find the motivation. Then THIS happened. His cuteness was of magic proportions. Magic so strong it brought me back from my bloggy grave. So thank you, Sammy. Thank you so much.

Friday, February 18, 2011

PAW-FILE: Rascal!

It is my pleasure to introduce a new "segment" on the blog where I get a chance to spotlight some really awesome dogs that I have been lucky to get to know personally. The first of these special in-depth "Paw-files" just HAD to be none other than Mr. Rascal Rascerson. From the moment I met him, I knew I had to write about him on Dogspotter. Without further ado, I present to you... Paw-file: Rascal!

"He is the best dog on the planet. Hands down."

Full Name: Rascal Rascerson

Breed: Beagle

Likes: Sleeping, food, walks, sniffing trees, his dad, peeing

Dislikes: His inability to jump up on things, his heart disease

Favorite treat: Snausages

Favorite band: Slayer

How he meet his owner: Jason rescued him from the Chatsworth Animal Shelter

Best dog-friends: His roomie is Juliet, a Huskey [a future paw-file star!] He is also friends with Bee, Plum, Stanely, Cornelious and the rest of the Epitaph (where Jason works) dogs.

Animal fashion: He loves rockin' his cardigan.

The great outdoors: Rascal has heart failure as well as several other medical issues, so he doesn't get to go on too many adventures. That said, he did go to Arizona for Christmas and has been hiking a few times!

Tricks: Who needs tricks when you have puppy eyes like these. Move over, Brad Pitt.

Follow him on Twitter at @raaaaaaaascal or search Rascal Rascerson on Facebook!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Well, well, well. What do we have here? A double dog of scragley guys loitering outside a Trader Joes in West-LA pandering for attention and head pats, that's what! I just could not resist their uber-friendly faces! These besties look like a couple of old surfer dudes relaxing on the sidewalk! I just love the personality and fur around their faces-- like little beards and unruly eyebrows. I am pretty sure they are Irish Deerhounds, but I am not totally sure because I certainly hadn't seen any dog like them before. They look an awful lot like Hickory, the most recent winner of Best in Show at Westminster, but they could also be Irish Wolfhounds. They were SO TALL, but lean with wirey hair just sort of tufting out here and there. For big dogs they were very un-intimidating, I think it was the aloof character in their faces. I think the dog in the first picture is smirking, and the one in the second picture is definitely saying "Hey!" Errr, well I mean, if they were people. Which I guess they're not.

Monday, February 14, 2011

VIDEO: A Perfect Combo

If you love double bass and dogs as much as I do, then boy do I have a treat for you! Valentines day is all about love, and I love dogs and drums. So here is my Valentines Day gift to you:

You are just cheating yourself if you don't watch all four minutes. AWE-FREAKING-MAZING.

Friday, February 11, 2011

DOGSPOTTING: Jamie the Magnificent

I am so sorry it has been so long! I really am! And to prove to you that my love is true, I am back with one of the most majestic dogs ever spotted by this dogspotter. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... JAMIE. Look at him, REALLY look at him. Have you ever seen a more perfect poodle? And he does tricks! Spotted outside a grocery store in Del Mar, CA with his owner, he sat, stood, and tried to give me big hug and almost knocked me over (almost as tall as me on his hind legs). I learned a trick of my own too! I learned the proper way to introduce yourself to a new dog-friend-- the key is to let them smell your hand, then you slide your hand under the chin and start scratchin' those ears. I could have exchanged scratches with Jamie for hours, I mean, who WOULDN'T?!? Super soft, poofy hair and a show-winning personality. I think it is obvious that we just found Mr. February for the Beautiful-Fucking-Dogs 2012 Calendar.