Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DOGSPOTTING: Little Lamby Named Sammy

OHMYGOD!!!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!!!! LOOK AT THIS LITTLE POCKET SIZED WONDER!!!!!! AAHHHHHHHHHH. I couldn't give up on my blog just yet-- not when THIS is in the world, and nobody is taking pictures of it to post on a creepy dog blog. Spotted in the Larchmont Village, Sammy, an itty-bitty, pure black mini-poodle. Quite possibly the cutest dog I have ever spotted, he stopped me in my tracks while out to lunch with a friend. He was shy, but friendly enough to pose for a picture. In my hiatus, I have still been dogspotting, squealing, and obsessing. I wanted to get back into the dog blogging game, but just couldn't find the motivation. Then THIS happened. His cuteness was of magic proportions. Magic so strong it brought me back from my bloggy grave. So thank you, Sammy. Thank you so much.

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