Thursday, November 18, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: Golden Age of the Retriever

I haven't posted a big dog in a while so let's make it count with a classic. Spotted this man's best friend in Sunset Junction. I am still figuring out all the big dog breeds, but I am almost certain this a Golden Retriever, and what a beaut! I feel like Golden Retrievers are a great all american dog, like the Collie. Perfect for families, but a great life-mate for a swinging bachelor or a couple that thinks babies are too small, and cry too much. This little lady above was attached at the hip to her owner, making sure that he was safe but still having fun hittin' the town. If only we could all have somebody like that! I spend way too much time getting hurt and not having fun. Like I always say: Dogs fix all problems.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DOGSPOTTING: The Mists of Dogalon

Well look at this little trickster! Spotted in Silverlake, taking his owner for a walk in the LA heat. I think it is a Japanese Spitz, but it could also be some sort of mystical snow fox or ghost coyote. One of those three for sure though. Actually, I think all Spitz dogs look like magical coyotes/foxes/wolves. But can't you just see this guy appearing to you when you're lost in the woods? And he leads you to a trail or some forgotten treasure or towards the missing girl who you've been looking for since you started at the police academy? MAGIC DOG.