Thursday, September 23, 2010


Spotted getting her cardio on, Zooey the French Bulldog. You wouldn't expect to see a lot of companion dogs out on a grueling hike in Malibu, but on this particular day I saw 4 dogs, 3 of which were smaller champer-gamper types. I mean, if they want to keep their petite little figures, I guess they gotta put in the work too. Zooey was on her way up a steep incline, taking it in stride, and leaving her human behind. And look at that collar! If she is going to work out, she is going to look GOOD. Such a new-glamour-Hollywood dog. Kind of like the Jennifer Aniston of dogs. Have you seen J. Aniston's arms/legs? Almost as fit as Zooey's.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

VIDEO: Best Music Video Ever

Just WOW. I have always been a HUGE fan of OKGO's music videos (and their music, just don't tell me cool hipster friends) but THIS VIDEO TAKES THE DOG BISCUIT. I can't get enough of this! Watch, re-watch, share and comment!

Monday, September 20, 2010


Excuse me! Big awesome dog coming though! Move out of the way or he will jump on you and lick your face! Spotted in near Sunset Junction, a classic amber coat and a friendly face. I think this is a Great Dane, but I am still trying to learn all the big dog breeds. I love the idea of security dogs with a softer side, and I think that is what this guy has going on. I am (obviously) more of a companion dog fan, but as usual, I would not mind going to the dog park and a frisbee throw with this dude. I am just not sure he would fit in my car (so I hope he likes long walks) (who doesn't!)

Friday, September 17, 2010


You are not dreaming. This is a real picture. A real picture of real dogs. Two, real, cute, Shih Tzu, best friend, CANINE LIFE MATES. I have tried to think of something more awesome than this picture and I just can't right now. And get this: Their names? OZZIE AND GIZMO. GET OUT OF TOWN WITH THAT ABSURDITY. Just the thought of a little white Shih Tzu pal named Gizmo is enough to make a grown man cry. Make it a double dog by throwing in a grey rag-a-muffin fella' named OZZIE?!? I think I am about to have a stroke. Help me.